Trwyn Du Lighthouse at Penmon
Trwyn Du Lighthouse at Penmon point was built by Trinity House in 1838 to mark the north entrance to the Menai Strait. After the severe loss of life when the paddle steamer the Rothesay Castle sank near Puffin Island in 1831, not only was there a need for a life saving association, but also a need to mark the rocks at the northern entrance to the Menai Strait.
The master Pilots from Liverpool had been consulted about the need for a light on the shores at Black Point (Trwyn Du) unfortunately nothing happened until 1838 when the current lighthouse was built.
The Lighthouse at Trwyn Du marks the passage between Black Point and Puffin Island (Ynys Seriol) and the Lighthouse bears the inscription NO PASSAGE LANDWARD.
When the tide is high, the rocks are hidden and visiting maritime traffic might just think that they can pass through on the landward side.

The Lighthouse at Trwyn Du marks the passage between Black Point and Puffin Island (Ynys Seriol) and the Lighthouse bears the inscription NO PASSAGE LANDWARD when the tide is high, the rocks are hidden and visiting maritime traffic might just think that they can pass through on the landward side.
The Lighthouse at Penmon can only be fully accessed on a very low tide, the surrounding rocks are covered in seaweed and are extremely slippy.
The rocks surrounding the Lighthouse are very popular for fishing and children exploring the very clear waters of the large rock pools. The surrounding beach is mainly large rounded pebbles, sloping quite steeply into the sea.
Originally there was a wooden bridge / path so that the lighthouse keepers could access the lighthouse at high water. This has long gone but the remains of the footings went into are still there.
The lighthouses keepers at Trwyn Du
On the census for 1841, in the parish of Penmon, Thomas Wallace is recorded as living at Black Point with his wife Ann and his 3 children. His occupation is written as Lighthouse Keeper.

Solar panels installed at Trwyn Du
Trwyn Du Lighthouse stands out quite well with its 3 black and white bands, standing at a total height of just 22 meters, it is a cylindrical tower with a balcony and lantern.
The lantern flashes every 5 seconds and has a range of 12 nautical miles.
In 1922 the Lighthouse at Penmon was automated and in 1996 it was converted to solar Power, also at that time, a unique mechanism was installed to operate the fog bell which can be heard every 30 seconds.

Petition to stop the Bell at Trwyn Du Lighthouse
It has been proposed by Trinity House, to stop the iconic bell at Trwyn Du lighthouse.
This bell sounds every 30 seconds and if you have ever visited this beautiful part of Anglesey, you will be aware that the sound is very much part of the atmosphere.
The iconic sound of the bell has been ringing for the last 97 years.
If you would like to support the petition to keep the bell ringing at Trwyn Du lighthouse then please click on one of the links below….Thank You