Caernarfon Airport - Maes Awyr Caernarfon
This former RAF station is now a civil aviation airport with it also being the permanent home to HM Coastguard rescue helicopter AND the North Wales Air Ambulance.
If you’re looking to take a pleasure flight over Snowdonia or down the Menai Strait then this is your starting point.

North Wales Air Ambulance
Caernarfon Airport is the home to the Air Ambulance that covers North Wales. The Wales Air Ambulance now has four helicopters throughout Wales and is now the biggest UK air ambulance operation.
The Wales Air Ambulance is a charity, funded by the people of Wales, they rely entirely on the public’s support to help keep the helicopters flying. The charity does not receive direct funding from the government and we do not qualify for National Lottery funding.
Their helicopters are kept in the air through charitable donations, fundraising events and membership of our in-house Lifesaving Lottery.

Helimeds Café
The airport at Caernarfon has its own café where any profits go to supporting Air Ambulance Wales.
The café has a great range of hot and cold foods with a good selection of drinks available too!
The cafe is right next to the runway giving you a perfect view of local planes and helicopters taking of and landing whilst you enjoy your refreshments.

HM Coastguard & Rescue
The airport at Caernarfon is also the home to HM Coastguard rescue helicopter which covers the whole of North Wales.
The helicopter base here is one of ten around the country and is ideally located near to the ever popular mountains of Snowdonia and the North Wales coastline.

RAF Llandwrog
Caernarfon airport is situated on the former RAF Llandwrog station from WW2.
The site opened in January 1941 as a Bomber Command airfield for training gunners, radio operators and navigators.
The station closed at the end of the Second World War in 1945. Many of the former RAF building are still standing locally.